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Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004

Former U.S. weapons inspector David Kay says U.S. intelligence weak: "We were almost all wrong," in believing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction"--U SA TODAY, AP

Clark County Democrats getting up a head of steam for caucuses Saturday, FEB. 7--Oregonian, Foster Church

Supporters push ahead with plans for a Catholic high school--Columbian, Amy McFall Prince

County extends ban on building until the comp plan is updated, but remove the restriction from rural areas--Columbian, Erin Middlewood

Local backers seek federal money to fix Columbian River railroad bridge to help eliminate I-5 bridge hangups--Oregonian, Bill Stewart

Businessman forms Clark County Chamber of Commerce, no relation to other chambers of commerce in the community--Columbian, Gretchen Fehrenbacher

Vancouver is open for business, mayor
says, and tells shoppers to shop at home

Vancouver is open for business, Mayor Royce Pollard declared in his State of the City address this morning, in the vacant former Consolidated Freightways headquarters in east Vancouver.

After offering a litany of last year’s economic development successes, the mayor declared that the region must work collectively to strengthen partnerships and work smarter for continued economic growth and vitality.

Pollard praised incentives that have helped bring in new industry and retain other businesses. He said incentives in the form of a city-owned parking garage helped develop the West Coast Bank Building at the foot of Broadway, increasing the tax base of the former underutilized land thirty-seven times.

He said that when the city took another look at Frito Lay’s west Vancouver plant needs, the council made adjustments in water rates an incentive, he said, that retained 600 jobs, and got from the company both a commitment to remain at least ten years and an additional investment in the snack food plant of $12 million.

Pollard repeated the city’s message to the state legislature “to continue tax incentives for high tech expansion, give our community the ability to form its own taxing district for transportation improvements. We need to be able to offer tax-credit programs.”

Vancouver has the largest inventory of commercial and industrial lands in the entire Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region—over 5,000 acres of vacant and underutilized land in the city and urban growth area.

Pollard added, “we eagerly await the development of the Port of Vancouver’s Columbia Gateway project, which will draw industrial development of 600 acres of farmland near the port.”

“WiFi is coming to Vancouver,” Pollard said. “In a partnership with Hewlett-Packard, Electric Lightwave, and the FreedomNET Foundation, Vancouver will implement the first wireless fidelity hotspots in Esther Short Park and the Vancouver National Historic Reserve. What this means is you can bring your laptop to Esther Short Park or the reserve and access the Internet without wires or cables.”

Pollard called for stronger partnerships within the community. “We have a lot of different people  and organizations working on economic development issues. While we are all effective in our own way, we need to look at different ways we can focus on the broad spectrum of our community’s economic development goals. It’s time to shake things up!”

“But,” he said, “we will strive to achieve a careful balance between growth and quality of life. Because of this. we continue to be a magnet and a destination for people fleeing congestion, overcrowding, high costs of living and a deteriorating school system.”

“I want you to know,” the mayor said, “that all are welcome here, but I expect all residents, old and new, to really get to know this community and not just sleep here and spend their dollars someplace else.”

“Although our retail sales are rising, Vancouver still loses over $5 million a year in sales tax revenue,” Pollard stated. “We are losing $1.6 billion in retail sales annually. Vancouver is ranked dead last for sales tax revenue per capita among the state’s 10 largest cities. This isn’t because we are a poor community. This is because we are spending too many dollars in Oregon. This is unacceptable!”

“So I want you to stop it. Stop wasting your gas, stop wasting your time and stop wasting your assets where it does you no long-term good.”

SWMC Foundation which gave over $100,000 in health care scholarships in 2003 at it again

The Southwest Washington Medical Center, which awarded over $100,000 in health care scholarships last year, is opening competition for scholarship awards again this year.

Applicants may be either graduating high school seniors, college and nursing students, students pursuing careers in a healthcare technical field, graduate students, individuals re-entering the workforce or medical center employees.

Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000.

Applications will be available after Monday, Feb. 2, on the medical center website,

News brief

Port of Ridgefield commissioners meet in regular session at 6 p.m. today to discuss the 269th Avenue-Interstate 5 interchange.

Monday on the air

Bravo! Vancouver: Romance of Brahms—4 p.m. CVTV
Portland Blazers at Memphis (live)—5 p.m. FSM, KXL, KRMZ 
State of the City Address—6 p.m. CVTV
Telecommunications Commission (1/21)—7 p.m. CVTV
Vancouver Planning Commission (1/27)—9 p.m. CVTV

Town Tabloids and the Weather

Tom Koenninger getting in good word. nnn Lee Powell scheduling reading material. nnn Bill Barron choosing piano-side seats. nnn Jeff Horenstein displaying masterful memory. nnn Flossy Wager eschewing Saks shopping trip. nnn Wednesday, windy, cloudy, showers, 50. Thursday, heavy rain mixed with light rain, 52. Friday, dismal and wet, 48.


Columbian traffic report

Travel Tips

Ski Reports

Source links
City of Vancouver
Clark County
Clark Public Utilities
Southwest Washington Medical Center
Port of Vancouver

Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

Democratic Presidential Candidates

John Kerry

Howard Dean

John Edwards

Wesley Clark

Dennis Kucinich

Joe Lieberman

Al Sharpton

2004 Republican Presidential Candidate

George W. Bush


For further information on the Democratic caucus system in the State of Washington go to

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Click here for
Oregon Wineries


Portland Dining Guide

Sports links
Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Beavers
Seattle Mariners
Portland Winter Hawks
Portland Timbers
Seattle Seahawks
WSU Cougars
U of W Huskies
U of O Ducks
OSU Beavers
Indy Racing















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